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Divxg400 and directvobsub included inside vobsubs package. Zao nam je, ali u nasoj bazi ne postoji naslov koji odgovara trazenom pojmu. Ovaj simbol oznacava opasnu voltazu unutar uredaja koja predstavlja rizik od strujnog. English, bosnian, macedonian, croatian, serbian and slovenian. Emi music publishing, amra, latinautor, broma 16, latinautor. Vodic za prelazak na digitalni sistem emitovanja osce. Ovom metodom uspeli smo da pomerimo klip na zeljeno mesto, ali smo u isto vreme unistili drugi video. We currently have 2,076,263 subtitles for 58,854 movies and 6,685 series in 100 languages in our database of which 61,416 are made by the community, 99,857 are adapted for hearing impaired and hardofhearing sdh viewers. Dobrodosli na najbogatjeso stran za dvd i divx podnapise.

Can be used to correctly orientate tv antenna toward dvbt tower in croatia. Povzetek izvajalci dimnikarskih storitev pri pregledih ugotavljajo precej napak, ki so posledica nespostovanja predpisov, slabe projektne dokumentacije, neustrezne izvedbe oziroma vgradnje dimniskih tuljav izvajalcev. Hi, in past few months for some tv shows the translators put two subtitles in same zip file on titlovi. Every day we offer licensed software for free 100% discount. Puna kompatibilnost sa dvd, svcd, vcd, cd, mp3 i kodak picture cd. Stanovista, misljenja, zakljucci i druge informacije sadrzane u ovom dokumentu ne odrazavaju nuzno i stav organizacije za evropsku bezbednost i saradnju oebs, osim ako oebs nije izricito naveden kao autor ovog dokumenta. The download is good for people that want to save secure information. Putuje od greenlanda, preko suma sumatre sve do vatikana. Remember what i said about the naming conventions earlier. So, when addon downloads the subtitle it shows first from zip the first is serbian cyrilic, the second is serbian latinic and i need second one. Domaca stran je predvsem namenjena podpori studentom fakultete za strojnisto unilj. Istrazuje razarujuci ucinak koji klimatske promene imaju na nasu planetu. I have finished module for converting from latin to cyrillic and i have implemented in. Program jos jednom upozorava na potencijalno opasne sadrzaje i daje uputstva za.

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